Herschel Rothchild

I love to connect with people, hear what God is doing in their life, and help them see where God can use their gifts for His glory!

Doug Christensen

SIM Support Raising Solutions team leader that helps missionaries build and maintain a full and engaged prayer and financial support team.

In Person

Medical Missionaries and Fundraising: Obstacles, Opportunities, and Blessings

  • Breakout Session
  • Main Building ED 280
  • November 12 2021 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Some mission experts estimate that up to 90% of young people who consider missions cease to pursue it because of various fears and obstacles, including the fear of fundraising. Some workers view fundraising as a rite of passage or as an obstacle to overcome. Others understand God’s purposes to include each follower of Jesus in His worldwide kingdom work through going, serving, sending, praying, encouraging, and giving.

Repeats of this Session

November 12 2021 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM at Main Building ED 280