GMHC 2020 (25th Anniversary)
What is the Role of the Nurse on the Mission FieldNurses and other members of the healthcare team who serve on the mission field have the chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus as they care for the whole person. They have the opportunity to touch the untouchable, love the unloved, and be with people from a variety of backgrounds, in the same way that Jesus did. Serving others is sacred work, by showing compassion, grace, and humility with power from the Holy Spirit. People are sometimes on a search for their purpose, so this session will examine the ways nurses and other healthcare professionals can use their discipline, and all the gifts and talents the Lord gave them, to build relationships, serve others, and provide honor and dignity in a cross-cultural context. The importance of a solid spiritual foundation will be included, and culturally appropriate approaches to health promotion strategies will be explored. Some of the ways cultural values and beliefs influence healthcare practices will also be discussed. And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send Me” (Isaiah 6:8)
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