Training Nurses and Other Healthcare Workers to Serve Cross-Culturally on Short-Term Missions

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Cultures around the world have differing worldviews, practices, and behaviors related to health, disease, healing, suffering, death, and dying. According to scripture, humility is an attitude believers need to adopt, especially when working cross-culturally, “Clothe yourselves in humility (1 Pet. 5:5). Training nurses and other healthcare workers to use cultural humility allows believers to approach another person with openness, compassion, and the love of Jesus. When believers take the time to appreciate other cultures and beliefs, bridges to the gospel will be built. This session will focus on best practices for serving on missions, ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and strategies for approaching other cultures with compassion and His love.

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #2 at 10:00 AM EST ; speaker: Rebecca Meyer

Session webpage:


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